Meeting called to order 18:33
Recap off cycle board actions and votes
Board Position Announcements
Open Member at large, Dave Vetrovic was appointed to be confirmed for this position.
Motion presented, and 2nded
4 in favor
Open Session (First 30 minutes)
Why did we post support in Renfest on Facebook, but we haven’t done anything for any conventions that we work with.
The post should be removed, and now has been.
Clarifying who has access to social media accounts. Currently just board and 2 members of SOS.
Would we look into expanding into other cultures besides Japanese culture? IE South Korean and Chinese, manwha is getting very popular etc.
It is something we can discuss in a future meeting.
Planned Discussions from scheduled visiting parties/ATC Partners
Equipment Rental Requests
Coordinator Updates
Anime Detour
Working on Staff Handbook
Working on filling open dept head positions
Today is budget deadline
Working on getting a meeting set up with the hotel
Looking into safety measures they can provide (like room sanitization) in addition to safety measures we can provide
Wants to send out a state of the con communication soon, as to why registration isn’t open and other forms etc
Still planning to go ahead with Anime Detour until we hear otherwise.
Under current restrictions, no way to hold Anime Detour 2021, unless things change, currently meeting restriction is 250 people
Monitoring world news until something MN government wise is changed, will be looking to make a firm decision beginning of December.
We could end up cancelling and suddenly 3/1 everything is fine, but unlikely and need to be responsible and cancel within a reasonable time frame.
Some conventions that were scheduled for January 2021 have cancelled
Some larger conventions have been unable to cancel more than 6 weeks in advance. Will be working with the Hyatt on this if we have to.
Have begun conversations about what we could do if we went virtually.
Youth anime club
Still working on trying to restore Twitter
Sent Budget to Kim
The only in person events that have a solid chance of happening are in the Summer, so only left funds on for those, and two additional floating socials, as well as added funding for online socials. This makes the budget request a lot smaller.
Gaming event is penciled in for 9/20
Been doing casual social every week or two
A couple of people are just “thinking about” filling her coordinator position as she is stepping down soon, but nothing yet. Plans on attending next board meeting to wrap things up.
Service Pins information to AD Admin
Someone will need to figure out if we count this year for service or not
Everyone still did all of the work they would normally do, up to 3 weeks before the con, so wouldn't want to discount that.
New Years Party is probably done in general, in addition to current issues, attendance has been way down anyway, people have expanded and have found other things to do. Would like to keep the picnic for ATC Staff for sure.
Account Balances
Bank Account $208,042.20
Education Fund $2,262.35
LEG Fund $10,892.10
This Month marks the end of the financial year.
Last week of September will get the match amount from the Bank Account to the LEG Fund of $2,106.00
Working on getting Artist Alley and Registration people to cash refund checks.
Break 19:27-19:45
Updates on current Board projects
Bylaws Revision
This took place from 19:45-20:20
Needs assistance with a few points in the bylaws still
Tie breaker language
Specific Election language
Electronic meeting language
Electronic voting language
Open Board Projects/Future Meeting discussions (sorted by due date):
Meeting Month <Caretaker(s)> - Example Project
October <Ashley> - Bylaws Revision
December <John> - Recording Board Meetings
December <Tristan> - 5 Year Plan
October - Annual Report for ATC/AD
Meeting Adjourned 20:25