June 2012 Board Notes




Board Attended: Kale, Jo, Anton Petersen, Damarra, Mike
Board Absent: John, Andy


open discussion

Joann Blatchky from the St. Paul Nagasaki sister city discussed the projects  and events of her organization including the Como Ordway Japanese Garden, Global Harmon Labyrinth, the Sakura Centennial event and the Vision of peace gift to Nagasaki.  The organization does not typically fundraise relying on grant money but has not received a grant in two years and their application for this year’s lantern festival is currently pending.

The possibility of ATC hosting a booth at the August 3rd lantern festival, Anton was tasked to be an email contact to determine cost and commitment.

Lauren Ganann proposed ATC participate in Macys “shop for a cause”.  Tickets can be sold by ATC members and distributed at the July 2nd picnic. She also mentioned possibility of giving passes for donations made online.  All present board members voted to participate.

Richard Townsend turned in the equipment request for Sogencon to Lauren she will forward it to the board.  Richard will supply blankets to protect monitors from scratches.  Patrick, Craig, and Eric to handle equipment.  Richards request for tech locker 25 radios and gaming displays approved and voted in by all present board members.

Debt that Otaku incorporated owes ATC is being worked on but convention growth this year has not met expectations.

Andy Murphy from GPS has proposed we attend the board boot camp for nonprofits put on by MAP, Looking at dates in August.  Event should include 1 evening class from 7pm-9:30pm and cost 35 dollars per person.  GPS is hoping for at least 25 people and are opening this training to many different conventions. They may do a follow up advanced class if this class is successful.  There were 8-10 people from our meeting interested in attending.

Josh sent an email to the board detailing the Cosplay shoot em up event.

Wasaubicon requested a loan of the AV cart to be run by Patrick.  Request approved and voted in by all attending board members plus Kim Hoffer with the addendum that Patrick check the equipment before it leaves the locker as it will have very recently been to Sogencon.

Social Outreach Services

Picnic went well but concerns were made about size of park and available parking.  Heather will investigate other locations for future picnics.

Pride need people on Sat the 23rd from 8:30am-9:30pm.  Richard and Kale volunteered to work Saturday and Damarra and Jo volunteered for Sunday.

July 2nd will be the Nabeshin Picnic.  Heather paid 60 dollar park reg fee out of special events budget.  Picnic to be pot luck.  Anton will talk to Marie Porter about a Menchi red velvet cake.


Current balance 92,665.38
Community fund 14337.39
Money paid to Greg 13,000
Money paid to Richard 4,992.40
Money left for Richard 5,000
Fund balance after pay outs 9,337.39

There was a vote to move the next meeting to the 16th.  All present board members approved the vote.

Perrin asked us to consider creating an award for the Anime industry similar to the World con model for the Hugos.  To be discussed at a later date.  Perrin is to talk to us next month.

Community Fund

Jennifer from security needs 2,700 for an operation with at least 1,000 dollars to get things started.  Kale proposed ATC advance her 1,000 from the general fund to be recouped at a pizza fundraiser lunch and a Fallout Shelter arcade day.  All present members voted approval on the 1,000 dollars.  All present members voted and approved promotion of pizza event on Facebook and Twitter.  All present members voted and approved promoting and running the Fallout Shelter event sometime in September or October.

Emily Dejesus is working with a charity called Fight the Darkness in honor of Greg’s brother-in-law who is going blind.  She would like ATC to help coordinate an art auction.  Anton would like to know where the money goes and what the split is. There was a vote that Kale would coordinate the auction and promotion of this event and all attending board members voted approval.

ATC point of contact policy and Tips for planning an ATC event

Change ATC members to members of the community.
In the tips document change meetings are on the 2nd Monday to meetings usually on the 2nd Monday check ATC website for dates and times.
Documents to be discussed further via email.

Kale moved to end the meeting Anton seconded it and all board members present voted ascent.