Open Session
Time Start 6:31 pm.
Anyone can come before the board with anything they would like to bring up.
Kelby and Ryu: Talk about some miscommunication Regarding the emails that you sent.
Lauren’s request to use the ATC Logo for the Corn Holing Shirts: Email Below
I won't be able to make the meeting tonight, Vi is sick. I was hoping to ask during open session if I could put the Anime Twin Cities logo on a Cornhole League shirt. I'm not sure if I need board approval or approval from Morgan. There are three options I'm considering.
1. Anime Twin Cities logo with the words corn hole league underneath then the ATC web address
2. Anime Twin Cities logo with the words corn hole league underneath and "ATC cornholers do it best" then the ATC web address
3. Anime Twin Cities logo with the words corn hole league underneath and "Get it in the hole" then the ATC web address
The shirt is intended as a prize give away for the SOS cornhole panel at Detour. We plan on buying 4-6 shirts for prizes and allow Detour staff to also order the shirt to decrease the cost of shirts. Staff wearing the shirt would be silently promoting the panel and also draw traffic to the website. I understand that you may not want logo used due to suggestive language that might not be considered pg13. However I think it's a fun way grab attention at the convention and get our name out there. Let me know if any of these options are acceptable.
Vote on which option we want on these shirts.
Motion to use option #1 for the ATC Corn Hole League, Kim Seconded. All in favor. Unanimous.
Permissions to use the ATC logo still go through Morgan.
Coordinator Updates
Anime Detour
Media Relations
Motion to switch our insurance from Hartford to StateFarm. Andy Motions. Troy Seconded. All in Favor. Unanimous.
Agenda: Discussion of Switching Banks from Wells Fargo
Would like to approve us switching to something other than Merchant Services. Trust John to research
Motion to allow John to do the research to change ATC’s merchant service account provided nothing changes from now till the end of the convention cycle. Andy Motions. Troy Seconded. All in Favor. Unanimous.
Agenda: Future Coordinator Budget Process
Motion to approve option #3. Kim motions. Andy seconded. Renee abstained. 4 yay’s. 1 nay. 1 abstention.
Agenda: Anti-Harassment Policy Revision
Alli’s Email:
"If a participant engages in harassing behavior, ATC event organizers may take any action they deem appropriate, including warning the offender or expulsion from the event with no refund. If you are being harassed, witness someone else is being harassed, or have any other concerns, please contact a member of the event staff immediately. If the incident occurs at the ATC event Anime Detour, such reports should be brought to the attention of convention security which are identified by safety yellow vests and t-shirts."
Descriptive revised version:
"If a participant engages in harassing behavior, ATC event organizers may take any action they deem appropriate, including warning the offender or expulsion from the event with no refund. If you are being harassed, witness someone else is being harassed, or have any other concerns, please contact a member of the event staff immediately. If the incident occurs at the ATC event Anime Detour, such reports should be brought to the attention of convention floor staff, who may be identified by safety vests marked with Anime Detour branding, t-shirts identifying them as staff, or red staff badges."
Alternate revised version (removing only the word yellow):
"If a participant engages in harassing behavior, ATC event organizers may take any action they deem appropriate, including warning the offender or expulsion from the event with no refund. If you are being harassed, witness someone else is being harassed, or have any other concerns, please contact a member of the event staff immediately. If the incident occurs at the ATC event Anime Detour, such reports should be brought to the attention of convention security which are identified by safety vests and t-shirts."
Andy: First Revision allows us the opportunity for changes. Convention floor as worded interpreted as not as specific staff but any staff member.
Troy: too specific, opening up to any staff. The staff can guide the individuals to a member of staff that can work through the situation.
Recommendation to strike out entire sentence relating to AD specific.
Motion to remove that sentence specific to Anime Detour in the ATC Anti-Harassment Policy. Kim Seconded. All in Favor.
The New Policy is as states below:
"If a participant engages in harassing behavior, ATC event organizers may take any action they deem appropriate, including warning the offender or expulsion from the event with no refund. If you are being harassed, witness someone else is being harassed, or have any other concerns, please contact a member of the event staff immediately.”
Agenda: Contest Rules Run by ATC
Email attached from John:
Anime Twin Cities should write rules for all contests run by Anime Twin Cities and its sub-organization such as detour. We should make sure that we have clear guidelines for who is eligible to win (should we exclude ATC staff? Their Families? If off staff, how long until eligible again?) If there is a physical prize, will we ship it? Do they need to claim somewhere?
This isn't related to recent contents, however I was reminded that these are still things we haven't actually clarified.
If we decide on official rules that are generic for all contests, we could create a new page on the website to link to when we make new contests.
Just food for thought for the board to discuss.
Agenda: Policy Indexing Proposal
Good morning everyone,
Below, please find the body of the policy indexing proposal sent to the board 2/14/17.
All Anime Twin Cities Policy votes that have passed must be keep in a list that is publicly accessible from a link on the Anime Twin Cities website.
If possible, perhaps we could add this to a future meeting agenda. Also, if something like this is approved, we could perhaps task someone to work through policies enacted previously, although I understand that's a larger process.
Date policy
date policy
Motion to approve the concept of the policy indexing to be maintained by the Secretary. Troy Motions. Renee Seconded. All in Favor.