April 2023 Board Notes




Board Attended: Tristan Anderson, Alli Cassel, John Hermanstorfer, Chelsea Lieser, Kristen Loth, Nick Nelson, Matt Paulson
Board Absent:
Observers: Troy MacDonald


Anime Twin Cities Board Meeting Minutes
April 11, 2023

Board Present - Tristan Anderson, Alli Cassel, John Hermanstorfer, Chelsea Lieser, Kristen Loth, Nick Nelson, Matt Paulson

Public – Troy MacDonald

Meeting agenda was approved.
Previous meeting minutes is approved, March minutes still need to be added to the website / sent out.

Incorrect date was used for the Secretary election, so it will be voted on this Saturday.
Those who can vote it will be at noon.

  1. Recap off cycle board actions and votes
    • Voted to allow the chairman to have a card for the bank account.
      1. The board approved to get a bank card to make purchases and expenses if receipts are provided. Unanimous among all present. It was a board action taken by email instead of a meeting, so it was taken by written consent.
  2. Open Session (First 30 minutes)
    • Any members of the community can bring new business to discuss with the board.
    • No Items
  3. Planned discussions from scheduled visiting parties/ATC Partners
    • No Items
  4. Equipment Rental Requests
    • No Items

Coordinator Updates

  1. Anime Detour – Troy MacDonald
    We held Anime Detour last weekend. The attendance was 8,142, which is 1,044 people more than 2022. That is the 2nd consecutive year with around 1k growth year-over-year.
    Looking forward to the feedback survey once it is out, we will start to move into our post-mortem this month. We will want staff feedback as well as feedback from the attendees who fill out the public survey. Once the data is compiled the executives will look at both pieces of information and then will reach out to the department heads to have one on ones about the feedback and looking forward to the new cycle.
    Everything we are seeing online is positive from vendors, sponsors, booking agents, artists, etc. A big shout out to staff especially registration for onboarding a new system and a new way of doing things and cutting the longer wait times of 4-5 hours. This year the most attendees waited was over an hour and that was the cash line. Shout out to Matt and Kristen and James for his team and the work they did at the convention.
  2. Charities-
    A representative from the St. Paul public library reached out, they wanted to go to the board meetings. The purpose would be to form more partnerships and have a relationship similar to before.
  3. Communities – No Items
  4. Communications – No Items
  5. SOS – No Items
  6. Finance
    The following numbers were included in Kim’s report earlier today, and were mentioned at the Board Meeting:
    Overall account @ $342,225.54
    Education Fund @ $3,094.42
    Business Market Rate Savings @ $14,488.79
    The checking account balance includes the cash deposits Kim made this morning:
    Merchandise @ $ 5,320.50
    Registration @ $19,931.00
    It also includes credit card sales through Square from Friday/Saturday/Sunday:
    Merchandise @ $ 9,109.25
    Registration @ $ 2,745.00
    and credit card sales through Stripe from Thursday/Friday/Saturday:
    Registration @ $ 64,485.00
    Note: there will be an additional deposit from Stripe for the late Saturday/Sunday credit card sales:
    Registration @ $ 45,084.00
    This makes total income from the weekend (not including the stripe/square fees that come out):
    Merchandise @ $ 14,429.75
    Registration @ $ 132,245.00


15 Minute Break – this was skipped.


Current Month Board Topics

  1. Select Date for ATC annual meeting (within 60 days)
    Has to be within 60 days of Anime Detour and it can’t be the same day as the post-mortem.
    ATC annual meeting is where we hold elections for new upcoming candidates typically, we wait a few weeks, but this can be any date within that period.
    The Annual meeting will be the same as the next board meeting in May.

  2. Kim has possibly found someone to train for the treasurer position.
    We have found someone to pick up the role or help her with that moving forward. There will be more information coming. We heard about this in the last couple of days.
    Kristen – Sky is the candidate, and she is an avid Anime Detour fan and former safety staff looking for something different. She works in payroll and purchasing. Sky was able to meet with Kim and Sky is interested in the role but would like a year shadowing Kim to really understand the role and Kim’s process. We are comfortable with having Sky be trained by Kim, and we wouldn’t need to vote on the matter until she is officially elected and takes the role over.
    We will give her information to Kim.

Open Board Projects/Future Meeting Discussions

Old board business, status on the mailbox
Tristan hasn’t been able to set it up, but he will try to get there during business hours the next couple of weeks. Wanted to see if anyone else can set it up. We need to physically be there to set up the P.O. box.

Matt announced his candidacy for President since we determined that the annual meeting will be held at next month’s board meeting.

6:54pm meeting adjourned.